Will you accept this thorny Rose?
I must veer off of Tim today to talk about a really important late breaking story that appeared in my RSS People feed: Jake and Vienna have broken up!! This is a shocker to no one in the world except Jake who just might be the dumbest “Bachelor” ever.
For those of you living under rocks or watching “The History Channel”, “The Bachelor” is ABC’s guilty pleasure of a show that attempts to pair a most eligible (pilot/real estate investor/ athlete/lawyer/not librarian) bachelor with a parade of single, equally eligible women in the hope of his finding “true love.”
The past “Bachelor” matches have been wrought with drama and disaster and Jake & Vienna are no exception.
I must veer off of Tim today to talk about a really important late breaking story that appeared in my RSS People feed: Jake and Vienna have broken up!! This is a shocker to no one in the world except Jake who just might be the dumbest “Bachelor” ever.
For those of you living under rocks or watching “The History Channel”, “The Bachelor” is ABC’s guilty pleasure of a show that attempts to pair a most eligible (pilot/real estate investor/ athlete/lawyer/not librarian) bachelor with a parade of single, equally eligible women in the hope of his finding “true love.”
The past “Bachelor” matches have been wrought with drama and disaster and Jake & Vienna are no exception.
When Jake chose Vienna over seemingly normal Tenly (except for her cartoon voice and that weird dancing episode) all single women of the world were disappointed and shocked.
So what did Vienna bring to the table that Tenley did not? How about that Daisy Duke, chemically enhanced figure or the fact that she can drive a power boat with the big boys? Growing up on alligator alley and never learning to speak in complete sentences was also a draw for the insightful Jake.
So what did Vienna bring to the table that Tenley did not? How about that Daisy Duke, chemically enhanced figure or the fact that she can drive a power boat with the big boys? Growing up on alligator alley and never learning to speak in complete sentences was also a draw for the insightful Jake.
Who knows? Love is sometimes blind or objects might appear larger in rear view mirrors. Whatever it was, it was not enough to weather the storms of the “real world” once off of the show.
So poor Jake, where will you go from here?
Back to flying puddle jumpers to Newark New Jersey? Or might you even be recycled to next season’s “Bachelorette”?
Keep your chin up Jake, and just remember that sometimes life turns out to be a country western song…
You always had an eye for things that glittered
But I was far from being made of gold
I don't know how but I scraped up the money
I just never could quite tell you no.
“Just to see you smile, I’d do anything" Tim McGraw
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