Talk about being the last to know.
I found out on my facebook page that I was having guests for dinner!
I am not making excuses but there are just too many places to check now for possible communication: 2 email accounts, my facebook page, my cell phone, my son's cell phone (on occasion I give out his number by mistake), my work phone, my home answer machine, Sharepoint, my Google reader, Tim's homepage, and the 23 things blog. Have I left anything out?
There is also added pressure to check every electronic device to make sure we do not miss any important information.
I wonder: am I any better informed than my Mom was who had a shared (phone) party line in our old house? Family and friends would stop over to chat in "real time" and she seemed to be always in the loop.
Once I found out online that I was having guests, it was a great night of real conversation with my niece and her three delightful daughters who were visiting from Las Vegas.
So "thank you " technology gods for keeping me informed and bringing Kristin, Sophie, Ella and Gracie over to visit via their GPS.
Sounds like Google Voice could be helpful to you. :)