Library Thing -
I know I will use this site long after the 23things. What a great place to end up with limitless cracks for all of my favorite books and a place to write about them. I left a review for "Story of a Girl", a powerful YA book that I finished this summer and still think about sometimes. I had thought about buying a copy of this book and leaving it up by the high school or on a park bench, hoping someone would pick it up.
Sound crazy? I have done things like this before and like to imagine that the book ends up with a person who needs just that particular book at exactly this time.
Who knows? Stranger things have happened...
I will miss the 23things and cannot thank Elaine and Nancy enough for all of the hard work they put into this. I have learned a lot and am so proud of myself. I am still on facebook, posting and editing pictures with ease, IM-ing our former page at college, using my multiple google accounts, keeping track of Tim on my RSS feeds, making Snapfish books, waiting for the next AnnK podcast and generally feeling a part of the world.