Whenever I hear the word "pod" used in any of its many derivations, I do not get a warm fuzzy feeling. I remember seeing one of my first Sci-fi movies that included "the pod people". That caused me to have nightmares for a week. I also remember walking into a store in Rochester that was called "Pea in a Pod". I was in there a long time before I noticed that all of the clothes were either very stretchy or very LARGE. After some embarrassment from a sales clerk who asked "when are you due?" (I wasn't!!), I ran out and looked for the nearest "Jenny Craig".
I managed to escape the word "pod" for a long, long time.
And then I was transferred to North Syracuse where the word "POD" would stare out at me from the parking lot every day.
Of course the pod was very useful in housing books for the annual sale but I can't say that I was sorry to see it go.
Podcasts are a different thing altogether and I don't feel threatened by them at all. They are useful and I listened to a few last winter as part of an online class.
Today I listened to AnnK's original podcast and I wanted to tell AnnK that:
#1- I love the easy listening music intro
#2- Don't ya know, you don't sound like you are from Minnesota
#3- I think that the NS non-fiction section contains a Velveeta cheese cookbook from 1964 in case you are interested
#4- I am happy that women have the right to vote and I vote NO on pods in the parking lot!
#5- Your worry segment made me realize that by writing this, I will somehow cancel out my need to worry about pods any longer. So thanks Ann! You have made the 23things fly by.
Awww Shucks you're awful sweet :-) Glad I entertained you.