I have been noticing a lot more tattoos lately. Maybe because it is summer and there is just more skin exposure? Maybe because I was transferred to North Syracuse which seems to be the capital of the tattooed world?
Maybe because I am over sixty and feel like my time to be tattooed has passed me by?
On one hand I am fascinated by them - the intricacies of the design, the time (and probably pain) involved, the physical permanency of it.
On the other hand, not so much.
What about when you are 50 with saggy cleavage, out eating a roast beef dinner with the word "vegan" peeking out the top of your shirt?
Will you feel weird, or hypocritical, or just old?
This is one of my favorite "tattoo" pictures.
Tim, of course, with the word "Faith" on his arm. I know this is his wife's name but I like to think it is also a statement of something else - a country boy who grew up without a father, only to find him when he was already a teenager.
I am hoping to get close enough to the stage tomorrow night, seeing Tim in concert, to ask about the tattoo.
Video attached here too - it was fun picking one out and learning to embed it.
Did you think it would be of anyone else??
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