Friday, July 2, 2010

OMG A Crack in my achy breaky heart!


I have never written that before but it seems appropriate.

I was just at Wegman's picking up Off and more onions for my trip to the woods. Checking out, I spotted THIS magazine cover!

Diane Boyd, "Princess of the periodicals", why didn't you tell me?
Just because I am not at Brewerton everyday you know you are suppose to keep me updated on the magazines!

Well, as Annie K. would say, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

Who cares that I can't take my computer with me? I will be reading about the boys of country all weekend...


  1. ...achy breaky...wasn't that the dude with the mullet? I bet all that country/woodsy air is making you think about the boys of country even more!

  2. Annie, yes achy breaky man had a bad hairdo and only one hit. He is also the father of Mylie Cyrus! The woodsy air was great but the mice and critters were not deterred by the onions!
